
I don’t know why, but I wandered over to a political thread…

It was about one of the rioters who got arrested during the capital insurrection. Apparently he was caught because he bragged about going there on a dating profile.

In the comments, he was being made fun of and called an incel. These liberals couldn’t imagine that anyone would date him. Never mind that one of Trumps biggest voting blocks was white womyn. All the usual shaming about neckbeards and micropenises. These are the same hypocrites that would cry hate spech if you made a joke about Tess Holidays eating habits or about Jack Donovan’s “orientation.” Never mind that JAck Donovan is a dog whistles “Not white nationalist” white nationalist. He spoke at Richard Spencer’s NPI convention goddamnit…

There’s no real point linking to the thread because we’ve all seen this shaming language before. It’s just pathetic how the “woke” Democrat’s treat low status men and then expect your alligiance if you aren’t full blood white…

…the “performative masculinty” of the manuresphere…

…as we’ve seen time and time again, manuresphere figures such as Barbarossa and Jack Donovan have shown themselves to be frauds again and again…

….one of the things I’ve found myself doing more than I would like in recent times is basic handyman/repair work.

Truth be told it is to save a buck rather than an ideological bent towards self reliance. I have found that once you do one repair you become more self confident to do another repair. This goes with the caveat not to do serious work on electrical systems where you can get killed. That is to say that if you are a guitar player, you should be able to change out tubes and pre-amp tubes but maybe leave the work of blown transformers to certified techs or the OG manufacturer if the gear isn’t so vintage as to be made by a company that no longer exists…

Doing “basic repairs” can save hundreds of dollars in the short-term. I suppose it saves thousands of dollars in the long term. Just look at 2 fifteen year old trucks of the same make. One will have bald tires, broken mirrors and busted latches. Another may have faded paint and even a few dents but wil be significantly better. That is because one owner “took care” of the little things. If you were buying and the prices were similar, you *know* which one you would be buying. In the long term, those repars keep things going longer and make it more feasible to use older stuff whilst the Jonses buy new shit.

So how come BarBar and Jack Donovan didn’t talk about such shit. It seems like it would be “manly” to talk about. My guess is they want “customers.” If they help you learn how to do something yourself, you don’t *need* to buy something from them. Ironically, they are like the neo-liberal feminst womyn. Muh cahrear, muh cahrear. They aren’t looking for their followers to go ghost and live off the grid on a low-consumption lifestyle. They don’t want you to solve your problems because then you won’t be a customer. BarBar doesn’t want you going ghost and JAck Donovan doesn’t want you going of the grid. Those aren’t their customer base. They are selling “performative masculinity” to insecure dweebs. I’m sure that sociologists and femanai’s have a definition for performative masculinity. But mine is different. Real masculinity would be about solving problems or at least finding workarounds. They were about selling a product that doesn’t fix things because if it did, they would only get one sale.