Hey White Trashinalists, Your “Leaders” Don’t Support you one bit…

whitetrashionalistswhitetrashonalists2So did you hear about these hooligans?  Somehow, I doubt their little leader, Dickie Spencer contributed a cent to the legal defense fund.

A prominent Nazi facist has been calling out Dickie for months…

“Richard Spencer has been a source of catastrophic loss for all who stand beside him.”

“Our guys were pelted with urine and bricks, fired from their jobs, expelled from their schools, run out of cities, and jailed without bond for Richard Spencer’s photo op. Which, surprise, is what everything Spencer involves himself in is really about.”


Since I hope your bullshit “movement” fails, please keep on supporting scumfucks like Spencer and Donovan, who, quite frankly, make Pualie Boi Elam seem like a competent leader. (haha.) Trickly Dickie can’t even figure out basic software like TurboTax.  Yet, according to some fraud like HBD, I’m a subhuman animal because I’m not fully white.

Weinsteingate does not bother me, does your conscience bother you, now tell the truth?

Okay, a few years back, I lived near Hollywood.  I was broke as shit and slept on the floor in a dive in the SF valley.  Now, I never had aspirations to be an actor.  I’m not handsome by any means.  However, if I was to be an actor, I could probably pull off the role of some grizly ex-boxer, who got into some bad shit or maybe the guy who got kicked outta some band before the big break and 10 years later, the needle or the booze only inflamed the bitterness.  Yeah, somehow I think I could play those kinds of guys well.  But the reality was I never really tried to be an actor unlike everyone else in that horrid place. I remember seeing an ad “$$$become an extra$$$.”  I guess it was as shady as a bandit sign.  It was a flyer taped to a public phone (remember those?)

I don’t know if it was boredom, or desperation, or living someone else’s dream (“I gotta get in the film industry.”) But I called the number.  One sunny Saturday morning,   I drove out to some shady place in Van Nuys where porn films were likely being made next door and stashes of drugs were probably being distributed across the country from the near by airport.  It was, what is known in the entertainment industry as a “cattle call.”   There were people from all walks of life.  Venice beach street performers, bored college kids and down and out wino’s.  To be honest, I probably filled some weird niche between the wino’s and college kids.  Heck, if I was more white looking, I woulda probably been a proto-hipster, except a bit more gruff and the metal Tee wasn’t “ironic.”  After a 2 hour wait, my “audition” included describing my work at a haunted house, telling a joke, demonstrating a martial arts move and a fall.  Okay, all good so far.  I was waiting for them to tell me if there were any roles I might be good for.  Instead, they went into a high pressure sales pitch about needing a $300 “headshot package” from their studio.  I asked if I could get it done cheaper.  They said I could contact some starving art students but no one would ever take me seriously with a headshot from an art student.  They told me it was their way or the highway.  Dejected, I left and never looked back.

So, basically, my limited experience with Hollyweird is that it is a cesspool of exploitation.  I’m not gonna compare wasting a Saturday and being pressured into buying a photo package as the same as the allegations against this Weinstein dude. However, that experience did give this song a bunch of new meaning for me:

There’s an old saying, don’t hate the player, hate the game.  Everyone knew this sort of thing was going on, let’s call it an open secret.  It’s allot like jokes about priest’s and alter boys.  I could imagine someone like Matt Forney.  “Hey Matt, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“A film producer.”

“Why not an actor?”

“Well, let’s be honest, I ain’t exactly great looking, and besides, an actor might get to marry Angela Jolie, but…”


“Have you ever heard of the casting couch?  Who wants to marry Jolie after she’s auditioned for a hundred roles.  I want to be the first guy to cast her and a hundred broads like her. Fresh meat.”

Locker room talk.  99% fake bravado and macho boasting.  About 1% a mirror into the unsavory truth.

Now I’m not gonna go into the ethics of this, I will say that I don’t feel some kind of “collective guilt” for simply being a male.

You can read a condescending feminist’s finger wagging:

“While some women may not (fair enough), I do want your apology. I do want you to say something now, because now is better than never. I do want you to tell your brother that what he did is unacceptable. I do want you to criticize your 40 year-old friend who preys on drunk 20 year-old girls. I want you to admit that you have participated in all of this, despite the risks to your reputation. I want you to understand that your behaviour (or apathy) hurt women. I want you too apologize for paying for sex in 1999, because it was your birthday and your friends were all doing it.”


Is every fucking goddamned German and Japanese person collectively guilty for WW2?

I guess by Megan Murphy’s “logic” that’s a yes…

Sorry, feminist’s, time to get your head outta your asses, you are sounding allot like those alt-right creeps with their cries of “white genocide.”


Oh, and if ya didn’t know, the title was a re-branding of  a lynryd skynyrd lyric….

My low status determines my reality…

So I was in a part of town that is okay during the day and sketchy at night.

A (likely) homeless broad hit up a Mexican dude for a ride and spoke to him in a manner like she knew him.  To my surprise, the dude declined.  And not to stereotype, but these Mexican dudes are usually the most gynocentric dudes out there.  If that sounds like typecasting, if any Latino guys are reading this, they’ll probably admit the truth to that.

I fired up the engine on my 18 year old beater and hit the gas to a low rumble.  She knocked on my window, and said, “Roll down the window.”

I retorted, “No money, no dinero.”  I hit the gas again in idle.  A low rumble blotted out whatever sales pitch this broad was now throwing at me.  She glarred at me, I just shrugged my shoulders and hit the gas a third time.  She started walking away but threw me that mean glare that feminist’s like to throw at low status men. “You are a piece of shit and so beneath me, do the world a favor and just die.”  Images flashed through my head that if I let her into my truck, I’d be attacked with a broken scissors or box cutters.

As I rolled away, I realize someone like Advocatus Diaboli would scold me and tell me I coulda negotiated a quick blowjob for $20.  Or for $40, brought her back to my base of operations, thrown her in the tub and after a delousing, do the deed.  I also realized that I come from a different world than him.  I am, to use the condescending manosphere lingo, an off white trash prole.  While to use the condescending antifa term, he is burgoise.  We come from two different worlds.  In one situation, he would be thinking of how to get laid on the cheap, while I would be thinking about escaping without being slashed by box cutters.  So, yes, my low status determines my reality.

…Infiltrating the Alt-Reich…

So there was this article where a guy describes infiltrating the Alt-Right.  One thing I found interesting was the factions within it.  Kind of like slimey feminists.

Anyways, as he mentions in one part, in some quarters of the reichy, they will only allow 1/8 non-white, so I probably couldn’t infiltrate.  Not sure if that makes me lucky or unlucky.

But I was thinking, it would only take a few buzzwords to be a convincing alt-rightist…

Kultural Marxism…

White Genocide…

Spechul snowflake…

Cuck, cuck, cuck…

Spell Sailer as Sailor.  (I guess this is a filter so guys low on the HBD scale think we are being clever pointing out that they spelt their god’s name wrong.)

assfacespencerThis link that a commentor who goes by Dick dropped in the last thread suggests that Spencer and crew are some seriously sick fucks:





Alt-Lite vs. Alt Reich? At the end of the day, it’s all the same: “I need muh safe space, a white only bathhouse”

Advocatus Diaboli pointed out an interesting (though filled with liberal blindspots everywhere) article showing how the alt-lite and alt-reich are one in the same…

Probably most damning is this video where Creepy Yiannopoulos screeches off key while Dickie Spencer throws a few Seig Heils.

Now the Buzzfeed article is a bit misguided, one can be against the alt-right and not fall in line with corrupt individuals like Zoe Quinn and  Hillary Clinton.  But, the real meat of the question has been is the alt-lite really different than the alt-reich?  One can see a coward like Gavin McInnes disavow the alt-right all while there is youtube evidence of him hanging out with none other than Dickie Spencer.  Dickie Spencer may disavow Milo, but he still hangs out with him.  This “identarian movement” is just as horrible as the Democratic party.  I will enjoy watching it all burn…

….wait, what????

Okay, I just saw the new Blade runner yesterday…

I will not give out spoilers, but just say that Harrison Ford is a much better actor than Ryan Gosling.  Jared Leto was straight up evil. Slyvia Hoeks is probably the best bad girl I’ve seen since Kate Becksindale in Total Recall (Redux.)  But just like the OG Recall to the original, this, while fun to watch is missing a little something.  I would’ve loved to see Rutger Hauer or Darryl Hannah in this (yes, I know they died, but…)

This leaves far more questions than it answers…

…and we will likely see the 2049 sequel in a few years…

…nonetheless worth seeing…

…oftentimes not wanting to deal with womyn has nothing to do with misogyny…

…okay, I don’t expect womyn to stand up for me…

….but here JP points out one reason why a man would prefer not to deal with a woman…

…and let’s face it, there are tons of crazy broads out there….

….can’t punch them, but they are allowed to punch you…

…..let Judgy Bitch into my personal space?  Fuck No!!!!!

…at least I am allowed to punch out Bully Boi Elam and One Ton Esmay….

…the hypocrisy of the alt-right becomes more apparent every day…

They will endlessly berate Colin Kaepernick and talk about “traditional values.”

They will promote someone such as James Damore as “savior of the white race” ™ even though Damore disowned them.

They will cry muh free speach when creepy Milo gets kicked off of twitter.

They will berate Kathy Griffin, beacuse when it is someone they don’t like, it’s no longer about “free speech.”

(And remain mysteriously silent when somoen like Andrew Anglin is purged from the net.)

What I’m getting at here is they have no logical foundation.  They are a bunch of losers who hate meritocracy and want to push identity politics.

You know your a loser when even cheetos breath Fat Morney wants nothing to do with you…
