….MRA’s, MGTOW’s, PUA’s-Male Disposability-Pt. 2….

I spoke about PUA’s in Pt. 1.

In this article I’m going to discuss MGTOW’s and MRA’s

PUA’s embrace their disposability by becoming approach machines…

MGTOW’s resist their disposability on a personal level by “opting out.”

MRA’s attempt to discuss disposability and change culture…

I actually don’t see so much difference in an MRA’s worldview and a MGTOW’s worldview so much as a different response…

Granted, individual MGTOW’s and individual MRA’s certainly have ideological differences and I’d speculate that MGTOW draws more independent thinkers and more outsiders. I’d also speculate that it is more individualized, more about turning inward and with very little focus on real world activism…

I’ll give some examples. Both a MGTOW and an MRA will see problems with modern marriage. A MGTOW will simply side step marriage. An MRA may have learned the hard way, many MRA’s have been divorced. Perhaps an MRA will try to fight for legislation to end no-fault divorce.

Many MGTOW’s and MRA’s will also advocate resisting male disposability by refusing military service. They may advocate that younger men do the same. While there are similarities, MGTOW’s will often pursue a more solitary path. MRA’s may have more political ideology and even attend marches or conferences. It’s not a hard and fast rule, some men may identify by both labels. Some may find one to have baggage they don’t agree with. IE an MRA may think that a MGTOW’s stances on women seem a bit extreme and he might try dating and read some PUA stuff. On the other hand a MGTOW may dislike certain aspects of MRA philosophies. For myself, I disagree with many things Paul Elam has said particularly his stance of “at a rape trial acquit.”

If you have the time, this is an interesting podcast. Paul Elam interviews video blogger Stardusk. Unfortunately, it is only towards the end where Stardusk discusses differences between MGTOW’s and MRA’s…

…the pursuer is the disposable one…

Is this ad sexist?

Femdelusion seems to think so. He also deconstructs a Samsung ad that he thinks is sexist against men. That one is going around the manosphere and I’ll let others take a crack at it…

Perhaps some find the ad sexist because the women are in bikini’s. I live near the beach and women in bikini’s are just business as usual. These women are wearing maybe a few inches less of fabric than perfectly respectable athletes in the Olympics. The man is sans shirt. Likely the advertisers did this to not offend censors rather than some social cometary on the double standard between male toplessness and female toplessness. While we’re on that topic ladies, I’ll sign the petition to allow you to take off your shirt anywhere a man can if you sign the petition to end my obligation to sign up for Selective Service.

What is it that makes this ad potentially offensive or potentially powerful? To me it is the fact that the gender script has been flipped. Many men might see this as a fantasy. The man doesn’t have the pressure of being the one to pursue, he is the one to select. He is smiling and continues to spray almost as if a wizard invoking an incantation. The women have maddened, frenzied looks on their faces, he appears joyous.

I don’t think these women can be considered “objectified.” They aren’t showing the passive, coy looks of Playboy Playmates. It shows the disposability of the pursuer role. A few fall , this seems to show a relentless pursuit where they worry not of injury. It also shows athleticism and ferociousness but I don’t think anyone would label these women as “empowered.” Most of the women will not succeed–perhaps they get to try this event many more times or perhaps it is their one chance in life–we are left to speculate.

Now, here’s the parody ad…

Djentlemen, Start Your Engines…

Well, apparently I’m a fan of a form of music known as Djent. I didn’t even know what this was until a few days ago til someone told me about it in an email. It seems the term was coined by Fredrik Thordendal, who plays guitar for Meshuggah. (And for those who don’t know, Meshuggah is Yiddish for crazy.)

Djent, Djent, Djent-that’s the staccato sound of low tuned, distorted guitars. Back in the day, everyone used to talk about the chugga, chugga sound of thrash guitars. So this is just a step further…

Listen for the low, crunchy guitar…

Now there were other bands with comparable guitar sounds…

Here’s a sample from Carcass when they moved away from their “grindcore sound” into a more polished sound…

Here’s a Bolt Thrower song from 1989

It has that low tuned sound if not the staccato chug of Meshugah. And interestingly, the tempo increases as the song progresses, starting at a doomy temp and speeding up to a noticibaly faster pace. So, obviously this wasn’t happening in a vacuum. These bands were all listening to each other. Hehe, I guess it’s like manosphere bloggers all reading each other and changing the ideas around slightly.

But anyone whose listened to metal for more than 5 minutes has probably heard songs like Metallica’s “The Thing That Should Not Be”. And, of course, who could forget Black Sabbath’s “Into The Void. Does this make the after mentioned artist’s the father’s and grand father’s of Djent?

Here’s a Soundgarden cover of “Into The Void”

Notice it has a “swagger” the other songs don’t, but it still has the low tuned (just not as low) and distorted (just not as) sound as the other songs. I just see this as a natural evolution, or maybe perhaps perversion if you don’t like modern metal….

…a lie by omission…

…so by now, you’ve probably seen tons of references to Nice Guys ™ around the gendersphere…

…how come you don’t see Nice Girls ™ at nearly the same rate???

…alright, long story short, a guy hangs out around a woman, he helps her out, he listens to her. He NEVER expresses explicit romantic interest. He winds up in what those reddit guys call The Friendzone…

…now is this guy being manipulative or is he just too shy to escalate, to “make a move”?

…depending on who you ask, you’ll get a different answer…

…some will say it is the woman who is being manipulative when she could sense he was attracted to her, he wanted more than just platonic friendship. She kept him around because that shoulder to cry on was too good, that unpaid mover was just more utility than a girl could ask for…

…some will say the guy was being manipulative for not clearly expressing his romantic interest. Some will say it is the man’s job to make romantic interest known and anything else is manipulative…

…now let’s go a step further, why, exactly is it the man’s job to escalate? Is it because he has higher testosterone? More “privilege”? More tolerance to pain and thus rejection?

Fuck if I know, I’ve asked and I don’ know if it is cultural-that is society sets things up so that women are less likely to feel pain. Or if it is biological-that is men have, on average, higher libido’s and the hungrier (hornier) one has to do the asking…

Now, I’m gonna take this on another tangent-feminist dating advice

…allot of things that seem to come up are…

…brush your teeth, wash your hair, stop being creepy, bitter, socially awkward…

haha, as far as the first two, yah, good hygiene is good, but uh, I’ve come across some drum circle type ladies that wouldn’t put it that high up on the list…

now creepy-I don’t know who is intentionally creepy except for haunted house actors and actresses…

…as far as bitter-yuppers, anger is offputting, no argument there. However, how come femmies constantly call angry womyn empowered? Aren’t they dehumanizing men by telling a guy who may have had many traumatizing experiences to not be angry about it?–to just fucking GET OVER IT MAAAN… If you’ve ever had the misfortune of visiting the slimepit that is The Good Men Project where a bunch of asshats talk down to real living men and censor their comments maybe you know where this is headed. The vibe of that place seems to scream your pain isn’t real, so just get in line, shut up and be a good man–be fucking useful, stop whining. If you can’t take it, go to therapy so you don’t become an abuser, and if you don’t have the funds to pay for therapy well, you need to man up. And if you can’t do that, just kill yourself but please make it look like an accident, we wouldn’t want to make the greater good (women) uncomfortable when they find the body of someone they assumed was “privileged” offed themselves because their suffering was unbearable. How dare you upset anyone you filthy, filthy boy…

…now that I got the little rant out of my system-here’s the lie by omission…

The feminist dating advice rarely talks about what it’s like to be an initiator. Shit, you’d be better reading some sales manual about cold calling—-rejection motherfuckers… That. Shit. Stings. Now, you can read an article by Clarisse Thorn where she says she didn’t like initiating because she didn’t like getting rejected. Funny though, and maybe I misunderstood everything I’ve ever read by feminist’s. They talk about being able to work as “privilege” even though I hate my job. But by this metric wouldn’t (het cis) women hitting on (het cis) men be one of the most feminist things they could do? How come they aren’t lining up for that role in droves? Is it because, while they complain of the “glass ceiling” they don’t clamor for equal representations in the “death professions” where men FAR outnumber women?

Now, I’ll step back for a second. If your world view is that of say a traditional conservative where men and women have strictly different roles and they are inherently different, it causes you no cognitive dissonance to say “A man should be President and a woman should be a homemaker. Women shouldn’t be sent to die in defense of the homeland. That’s a man’s job.” If that is your worldview, you’d probably laugh off concepts like male disposability and believe that those who take greater risk should have a greater chance at success. You’d probably consider a man who whined about not being able to get a date a weak loser who shouldn’t have the chance to pass on his genes. You’d have no problem with a phrase like Real Man…

Alright, now if you branded your movement as being about “equality” then things wouldn’t be so clear. You couldn’t just expect one gender to stay stuck in one role while giving infinitely more freedom to another gender. You’d probably have to go on and on with mental gymnastics about how the gender stuck in the same role was “privileged” even when the evidence was that so many members were not. You might even try to create a Marxist like dichotomy of oppressor class vs. oppressed class divided along gender lines. You’d probably have to go through a bunch of mental gymnastics to make your ideas sound like the right ideas. You’d probably have to shout down anyone who disagreed with the vilest shaming language you could. You’d probably have to create caricatures of arguments and attack those instead of the actual arguments they made. That doesn’t sound like anyone we know, now does it? Import flashing SARCASM button from the fatuous Manboobz bigot….

So why do feminists hate Nice Guys ™ so much???

That’s the million dollar question…

…Mating Selfishness…

I’ve got three articles published at Mating Selfishness

As far as the mission statement:

“On this blog it is our contention to promote the idea of equality. Either both men and women have a right to be selfish, or neither one does.”

Here are the links:

The R-Type Fetish Continues or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Being Omega

…you’re just bitter because you can’t get laid…


…more social awkwardness–it’s rude to text…

Check it out and feel free to leave comments…

and here’s a must read by dungone for any man who has ever felt the sting of rejection…

The Tiger Analogy (Plausible Deniability is Sadistic and Cruel)

…funniest thing I’ve read all month…

…So I guess Penelope Trunk is some kind of career advice guru…

…I wound up at her blog via a link from Delusion Damage…

This is the funniest thing I’ve read all month…

“Probably because I’m the master of bad sex. There is no anal penetration that I cannot ruin with a piece of poop at the end of the paragraph.”

…she then talks about drinking and writing. At that point, I glanced at the fine little collection of empties congregating around my computer. Haha, if I allowed myself to drink every time I write, I just might become prolific. She says something about fucking the boss. Well, I’ve got no desire to fuck that middle aged Real Man Paul Elam ™ type who tells me my real problem (among many) is my lack of confidence. It’s kind of funny how every time I ask for more money, he’ll yell at me. Well, maybe I don’t have confidence because even though he’s bigger than me, I doubt he could kick my ass in a fight. Maybe it’s just he’s not as intimidating as he thinks he is. I’m just stuck here taking the abuse cause I need a fucking paycheck…


No more beer, I don’t have anything else to say…