…the failure of MGTOW and Men Really Going Their Own Way…

This link was dropped at Advocatus Diaboli’s blog…

Neoliberalism: The Movement That Dare Not Speak Its Name

“The blue-sky writings of neoliberals with regard to the state are, if anything, even more daunting. In the imaginary constitution proposed in Hayek’s Law, Legislation and Liberty, he suggests that politicians be rendered more powerful: in the imagined upper legislative house, Hayek stipulates, only men of substantial property over age forty-five would be eligible to vote or be elected; no political parties would be allowed; and each member would stand for a hefty fifteen-year term.8 This illustrates the larger neoliberal predisposition to be very leery of democracy, and thus to stymie public participation through the concentration of political power in fewer hands. James Buchanan proposed something very similar.9 This is just about as far from libertarianism as one could get, short of brute dictatorship.”

This paragraph jumped out to me.  Some of you may remember the horrid Stardusk berating millenial men whilst his sleazy sidekick, CS MGTOW had this to say:

“Society is not well served by allowing women and very young men to vote. Women as a whole fail to develop the rationality needed to refrain from using political power to destroy the society and young men only seem to develop this much later in life, from my experience after the age of 30 or so.”


In California, wildfires are raging.  One of the controversies and the failures of people like Newsom and Harris is that they don’t have enough labor to fight these fires.  With previous fires they used prisoners and they still have some prisoners on the front line. what they really should have is very well paid and trained firefighters who can afford homes in the communities they are saving.  Before ‘rona, many had written articles that many essential people such as teachers could not afford to live in San Francisco.  At some point, these cities will devolve into a cesspool where the very wealthy live in high rise tower and the poor urinate on the streets.  There will be no middle class and “contract workers” who sleep in their cars will be indentured servants to the rich.  No one will really take notice of this situation until crazy things start occuring such as wealthy people dying because poor people didn’t want to risk their lives saving them from their burning high rise….

What will start happening is there will be a “mercenary class” of men who go work in the oil fields whilst they are booming.  When they have cash in their pocket, they may live like playboys.  But they won’t do things like getting married or establishing families.  Another tier of men will not contribute much to society and figure out how to live comfortably (though not well) on about 15-22k per year.  That would be a string of part-time jobs and contract work.  The scorn that horrid womyn such as Tomi (ain’t that a boy’s name) Lahren show them will actually protect rather than harm them.  Why “man up” for a dumpster fire like that when celibacy or prostitutes are far better options… Why chase the dangling carrot of “career” when you see corporations outsource jobs, viable careers turned into low paying “temp contracts” and essential workers safety being ignored so corporations can keep seeing their stock rising.

We’ve seen hucksters like BarBar and Stardusk sell useless info via Youtube.  Those guys did nothing to help low status men and everything to take money from them.  They were narcissists with nothing to offer and everything to take.  And anything labelling itself as “pro male” is more useless than a steaming pile of shit.  Just look at how Tamerloon and his band of incompetent fags relentlessly attacked me in an effort to steal my ideas and do the work they were unable to do themselves.  The funniest point is in a sideways kind of way, they are (finally) admitting it…

“(8) The lowest status male members of the group are often given the hardest and most unrewarding work.”


Irony of irony, as society pushes low status men out, it needs them more and the low status men need society less.  It’s just the same as how Tamerloon saw me as “free labor” and threw a fit when I wouldn’t comply.  His hissy fit is very similar to Tomi Lahren’s hissy fit.  Hell, they may even be the same gendar as Tomi is a boi’s name but neither are men.  I suppose they can be males without penises but stinky, unwiped manginas…

….the Democrat’s sleaze problem….

Okay, let me get this out of the way…

Trump is a disgusting, incompetent, racist fatass.  He hooked up family members (nepotism.)  His boi Bannon appears to be a huge grifter (surprise, surprise..)  And it is likely that due to old age/and or abuse of prescription drugs, he is mentally unfit to lead a nation…

with all that said…

The Democrats have a serious sleaze problem…

Cardi B. endorsed Bernie Sanders as did ‘roid boi Joe Rogan.  Cardi B is likely a violent criminal.  She has said that when she “worked” as a stripper, she drugged men and robbed them.  Drugging someone is as violent as hitting them over the head and taking their money.  In both cases, your intent may only be to cause unconciousness for a brief few minutes but there is the very real possibility that you inflict much greater damage.  Of course it is possible she made these stories up to gain “street cred.” So either she is  a liar or a criminal. She doesn’t seem remorseful for these actions but claims it was what she “had to do.” Nope, she coulda sucked it up and worked some of the horrid jobs I have worked but then she would break her Freddie Krueger finger nails…

Now she is interviewing sloppy Joe.  I know his fans will say this is a strategic move to connect to younger voters but by being interviewed by her, he is in a way endorsing her.  Just think, if Trump was interviewed by Richard Spencer, it would come across as an endorsement of White Nationalists.  Biden is essentially endorsing Cardi B by being interviewed by her…

With Kamala, where do I start…

Uh, there’s the, ahem, slave labor…


and, uh, this…


Then there’s Donna Hylton.  She spoke at the Womyn’s March and now speaks at the DNC. She is a psychopath who was not only involved in a murder but sadistic torture.  You can do some research and find out what happened if you have the stomach for reading “true crime”stuff.  I stopped because it’s just too grizzly…

Well, I suppose the weirdoes at the Promalecollective will probably disregard all this and say “Men need to work KKKollectively (even against their own self interest)” but if you ask me.  The reason why the Democrats are pushing these womyn as empowered is because the vicitms were mostly male.  Funny how assholes like Tamerlame and Paulie Boi Elam are silent on this.

…mgtow was fraudulent, what comes next, more fraud????

Okay, I haven’t kept up with mgtow “content” in a long time.  You can only listen too so much whinging about “muzzies” (hiya, ziggy Stardusk) and guys promising a book, talking about how bad womyns are all whilst “secretly” having a girlfreind (hiya Barbarosssa…)

So, IDK…

These fuckers would always talk about “collapse.”  With Coronavirus, we essentially have the collapse these assholes endlessly fapped too.  Are they claiming they are saving the world as “essential workers” or are they using their unemployment bonus money to try to get prostitutes too touch their pee pee’s?

When I was politely trying to point out the fraudulence of asholes like BarBar and Stardusk, the fuckers who became the pro white male collective were first attacking me, then begging me for more content as they were too lazy and incompetent to create it themselves…

(Yeah I can dropp links if anyone doubts that assertion…)


You can see how someone tried to use MGTOW to advance, then took ideas another low status man (me) came up with and then twisted them to fit his agenda…

After corona, when lots of people are struggling, expect these fuckers and manuresphere sh*t like Roosh V and obese Forney (I often confuse hime with equally dishonest David Futrelle) to perpetuate more scams…

Fuck these guys, don’t trust them one bit…