…here’s how *I* got laid….

First things first, I expect that the one and a half readers that actually respect me will lose respect after reading this…

Second, someone will tell me to go to a clinic and get a test…

Third, I still state that a man’s value isn’t related to how many vagina’s he’s inserted his penis in…

Fourth, yep, it is kind of yucky and I’m not advocating it but stating that because I was curious I tried it out and learned a little (just like psycadelic drugs)-so I will share and you can use or not use this info how ever you wish.

Fifth, just as has been mentioned on Mr. Black Pill’s blog that going to prostitutes won’t help you get relationships and sex from womyn who don’t work as prostitutes, what I’m telling you here won’t help with the girl at the grocery store…

Sixth, since this will (at least early on) involve the paying of some cash and an investment of time, you might decide that hiring a prostitute is a better investment–and probably no more risky as far as STD’s…

….now I am not recommending you try this, but, here is how I got laid….

If you are anywhere near a big city, I guarantee there are sex parties and sex clubs in your area.

There are many ways to find these. Clubs may be well known in your city and in fact even be listed on places like Yelp. They may be dedicated clubs or it might be a regular night club that sometimes hosts sex parties. I’ve even heard about them being hosted at adult bookstores. Parties can be hosted at hotels or in private residences. If it is a private residence, likely, you will only be allowed in if the host/hostess knows you personally. Parties can be found on craigslist. Some have yahoo groups and some are on sites like fetlife. (I was brielfy on fetlife but I met one girl who wanted me to choke her and a married lady who kept telling me her husband was down with her hooking up with me but I didn’t want to get shot–needless to say, I deleted fet life rather quickly.) Once you are involved in “the lifestyle” people will tell you about more parties….

There are different flavors of parties-swingers parties, rarely do they allow single men, you may be able to get in if you know the host/hostess and help as security or as a bartender. There are “gang bangs.” There will be a few women who will take on allot of guys. BBW means fat girls, actually, if you are not Matt Forney, this might be a good place to start as these sometimes have 50/50 male female ratios. And beware of “all inclusive”-it means that you will encounter Return of King authors such as Aaron Clarey who demand that they are really womyn because they threw on a dress and shaved their legs–all whilst forgetting to shave that telltale uni-brow. –insert gravely voice trying to speak in a high pitch and stale ceegar smoke “Gendar is a social construct, donchya know, now the real reason you don’t want to go in that dark corner with me, young man is because you are homophobic. Just remember to vote Republican, you transphobic anti-capitalist, you!”

For the parties that are open to single men and not invite only, there will usually be hefty fees. Single men can expect to pay $50-100. Couples about half that and single women are usually free. (Or they pay a very small “one time” membership fee.) At many parties, single women are rare and can be referred to as “unicorns.” Different parties will have different rules. Some will not allow alcohol. Others will be BYOB. Different parties will have different “cultures”-some will be downright hostile to single men and only allow them as to separate them from their cash. These are essentially “clip joints.” If you don’t have a good feeling in your gut, I’d say avoid. The harsh reality is many parties are fly by night and run by a few unscrupulous individuals trying to make a quick buck. These are most likely the one’s you find on Craigslist. However, even some of the sex clubs on Yelp are quite badly run. You can read a few reviews here by less than happy customers.

Now, it might take some reading before you find a place that you are comfortable trying and you might not find a woman who wants to fool around with you on the first try. Mathematically, it might make better sense to hire a prostitute if it doesn’t go against your ethics. However, if you do find a place where you are comfortable and want to continue going but not pay cash, ask the host/hostess or staff if there are any volunteer positions. Organizing these parties often take more effort than one realizes. A formal club may only have staff positions and like a night club, it may be competitive to get even a low pay position. However, the parties may need a volunteer and a great position if available is bartender. I actually volunteered as a bartender when I was unemployed IRL at one of these clubs. But the late hours and heavy drinking did start affecting my health-however, that is how I was able to hook up with a few women…

Answering a Madman’s Question….

Here’s something I stumbled onto from male feminist Elliot Rodgers,

“Well would you rather be limited to 1000 calories a day and have a sex life with beautiful girls, or have all the food you want and forever be a virgin?”


Well, I guess I can’t go back to being a virgin again but I’d choose food over pussy. Hahaha, looks like I finally agree with David Futrelle and Matt Forney on something….

The cultural imperialism of feminists and queers…

This is something I’ve noticed….

So-called liberal womyn will tell me, because I am a halfbreed, or as they put it, a”minority” that I must care about violence against womyn ™ …

Well, here’s the deal. When my feminist mom got mad-and it happened very, very often. I was her punching bag. In fact I had to get taken to the hospital on more than one occasion. I don’t remember it hurting that much, but I do remember the blood. So much fucking blood. Actually the stitches hurt worse than the punches and being thrown. And, somehow it wasn’t because mommy didn’t have self control. Sometime when I was around 12 she stopped hitting me and when I asked, she said it was because I was now bigger than her and she didn’t want to get hit back. Not one feminist gives a shit about that.

Do you really think violence against womyn ™ keeps me up at night?

However, these stinky feminist’s who don’t give one iota about the shit that I’ve been through demand I care that trashy womyn constantly hook up with violent men like Warmachine and Hugo Schwyzer. Yet I’m the “misogynist” for not being willing to use myself as a human shield against these “men’s” fists.

…and I know I sound like a broken record-I’ve brought this up before…

It’s not just liberals who pull this shit…

Look at how manuresphere tough guys use a low class racist like Jack Donovan to promote their bullshit white supremacist views-yes, Craptain Capitalism and fat Bernie Chapin-I’m looking at you. Of course if you are critical of Jackie boi, it is because you are a homophobe ™ -somehow similar how you can’t call out a trashy femanzi like Marcotte without being called a “misogynist.” But it’s obvious they use sleazeball Donovan to promote views they secretly hold but he actually says. Donovan says it because he knows that faggots, just like womyn get treated with the kids gloves. Faggots know they can say what they want because in modern society, you are not allowed to call a spade a spade.

Now another thing the PC “men’s right’s” and the Horney Badgers will never talk about is how faggots assault straight men in prison and molest boys with very little consequence. That sure as fuck is a men’s right’s issue, but POS Elam will NEVER bring that up. Let me state here, I know most gay men would never want to rape a straight man or boy just like most straight men don’t want to rape women or girls. Still I dislike and distrust gays. metallica_don_t_tread_on_me_snake_by_lzjoz-d81gvi7

Now I don’t want or need your sympathy. I just want to call out the hypocrisy and shaming these bullies try to use on low status men. Hopefully they will fail as their “tactics” brought out into the light of day.

Halfbreed politics…

haha, multiculturalism/liberalism doesn’t work. Humans are tribalistic/classist creatures.

I’m a halfbreed, I’ve been shit on by both sides of my family, and quite frankly, hope I don’t have to see any of them again….

The very rare few womyn who find me attractive often confused my lineage and upon realizing that I don’t have an accent or speak any of those languages I immediately go from being a Siberian Husky with some wolf’s blood to being a filthy, scavaging coyote who by luck of the draw and shiftlessness only manages to have an impressive fur coat. The smiles and glances go to frowns and downcast eyes upon learning what I really am…

hahaha, a misfortunate bastard crippled by my parents choices. Of course it’s not like they stayed together. Now, ironically, I’m the one told to pull myself up by the bootstraps and contribute to society. It’s funny how so-called MGTOW’s parrot the tough guy politics of assholes like Craptain Captalism and fat Bernie Chapin-c’mon Bernie, man up and pull yourself up on the pull up bar-bet ya can’t fucker. It’s funny when they whine and cry about Greece but they won’t acknowledge the historical fact that Greece was royally fucked over by the Nazi’s. It’s like those HBD race realists who deny the history of slavery or those feminists who deny the reality of forced military conscription for low status men. The libertarian tough guys are just feeding into the hands of those that would lead them to the slaughterhouse….

Now, with all that talk of confederate flags, I’ll be the first to say let them secede. The USG is too fucking big. I don’t care-3 countries, make it 5. And let it be like some EU with maybe a common currency but let people have different lifestyles.


Just take Jack Donovan with you. Why should I be tolerant of a piece of shit who thinks I’m less human because I’m not full blooded white. If I openly state that I should be able to use drugs-my body, my choice but not associate with homosexuals, how come I’m the fucking bigot now? I dislike these people, I won’t dish out violence if they leave me alone. But I shouldn’t be forced to be around them or celebrate their parades. Pride not prejudice, now stay the fuck away from me. The truth is I’m far more discriminated against for peacefully using mind altering substances and being a halfbreed than some dirtbag like Donovan is for using steroids and fucking guys in the ass. But that’s a truth that can’t be spoken in front of Democrat’s, multicultaralists, libertarians or feminists. From my point of view, “men” like Donovan have the same entitled attitude as feminists like Mandy Marcotte, they are “marginalized” so society owes them-specifically those that empirically have it worse off-and if those who have it worse off resist, they are bigots.

Hahaha, Would You Bang????


So, um, I was indulging in m guilty pleasure of viewing decapitated heads of ISIS’s victim’s and I ran into this interesting/disturbing image. Apparently, it is Roosh’s sister and mom after they found out he was a PUA who uses roofies to lure—alright, alright, I’ll stop with the bad humor…

I just can’t wrap my head around what the motivation of these images are. Is this to get men to fight against ISIS and sacrifice their lives against her enemy? Is this not the inverse of what terrorist suicide bombers are told to do with their promises of a boatload of virgin brides?

This is connected to Femen, as apparently there are similarities and she references them on her blog..

It is nothing new to use images with bodily fluids to shock people. Artist Andres Serrano created a work called Piss Christ in which he submerged a crucified, plastic Jesus in a jar of his piss. He also created the artwork for Metallica’s Load album. A mixture of blood and cum that looks like flames.

and, apparently, Femen is run by a dude. Kinda funny, it would be like A Voice for Men being run by womyn, oh, wait..

You might have heard about “Pussy Riot” a few years back…

Here’s a critique. (And if you didn’t bother to read it, let’s just say that guys who were political dissident’s got treated allot worse…)

Here’s a site critical of Islam. Now, as far as being critical of Islam, this read like Bernie Chapin and liberals, or Hugo Schwyzer and low status men, or Jack Donovan and anyone who is straight and non-white… That’s it to say it is highly biases and takes a huge shit on Muslims-but there are some nice decapitation photos. Yup, some nice ones…

and, then again, there’s that ugly insurgent math. Haha, how much of a role has the good ole USA had in creating ISIS? The US trained and armed Osama. They teach that one to the kiddies, don’t they?

Just sayin’

Traditionalism or feminism….

…which is more dangerous to the low status male?

I believe both are but I believe traditionalism is the more dangerous of the two….

I believe “men’s right’s” will fail for many reasons but I believe the greatest is that they will not acknowledge the dangers of traditionalism and the bad deal of staying in the disposable role…

Some say that feminism/traditionalism is a two headed hydra and feminism is easier to attack, therefore “we” should attack feminism first…

While there is some synergy between feminism and traditionalism, that isn’t the whole story…

So, I don’t believe that if “feminism is conquered”-things will be much better if at all…

What does that leave-go back to the protector/provider role because whatever???

There is also another thing I am finding as I’m reading more “MGTOW” stuff-a huge right wing/libertarian leaning vibe. While I believe that someone should be able to keep what they earn and things like intellectual property should be protected (yeah Lars Ulrich, I said that if I ever meet you IRL, buy me a fucking beer motherfucker…) -I still see a “winner take all” Nietzschean vibe going on. A “might makes right” vibe in libertarianism-have you ever seen those rants about the evilles of minimum wage? I don’t think MGTOW’s should be socialists/collectivists, but I don’t think libertarianism in and off itself will lead us to some great age of wealth and invention.

It’s ironic, you have Fidelboggen talking about not giving a shit about men…

You have Girl Writes What Going to her libertarian conventions…

And of course you have Captain Capitalism-who isn’t an M(h)RA-but sure as fuck get’s props from M(h)RA’s for his shitting on MGTOW’s with glee…

Well, let’s not worry about these idiots….

What have I done for men and do I even care?

I’m in this for freedom, for living a better life for myself…

Let’s g back a step, where does this libertarian thing fit in…

Well, fuck all, if you can get a couple mill in your bank account, well, going ghost would be easy, never have to worry about a paycheck ever again…

And I can see where some gobleygook about free markets, blahblablah, work hard, earn it and burn it might be appealing…

And I also appreciate that single men might be on the hook with higher taxes than single women (who statistically live longer and will get more money out of the system) or married couples who get tax breaks-

But how do things like no safety nets, no minimum wage benefit the average low status guy? Truth be told it doesn’t. To me it looks like poor southern whites voting Republican just because…

Libertarian sounds like tough guy talk. Fake it to make it. Alpha. All that. Yeah, we seen that with those PUA guys…

I don’t know that allot of what is being presented within MGTOW spaces aligns with what I personally believe. IRL, people tell me I’m a libertarian because I don’t believe in draconian drug laws but I’m probably closer to an anarchist, not an anarcocapitalist but an anarchist. In fact, I believe that the vast concentrations of wealth create less freedom, not more. No more of this “man-up”/”fake it and make it” shit…

If wages had kept up with worker productivity even as the economy has moved more towards a service based economy…. Well, just think, more men would be able to maintain a suitable bachelor lifestyle working part-time. Just think, which is more friendly to MGTOW, “winner takes all” or an economy where more men can support themselves part-time. I understand there are some guys, for example those trained as engineers who can easily get high paying contract work who do this, this doesn’t apply to most men. Just imagine, higher wages for the average person. Having money wouldn’t be any advantage to attracting women. I suppose those guys obsessed with pay to play wouldn’t want this, oh well. More leisure time, more freedom. LEss bragging about how “hard” someone works. Yes, I realize what I’m stating is contradictory to what is stated in most of the manosphere/”men’s rights.” Well, except for those 4 hr workweek sites but then they try to sell you something. Yes, I’m going in a different direction than most so-called MGTOW’s. And at this point, I question if I am even MGTOW…

Happy Explosions Day

Alright, I know I’ve put this song up before, but nothing less than the best, so here it is again….

I hate my government but like fireworks. What can I say?

And, uh, if the below image pisses you off, good, go somewhere else-I’m not here to manage your feelings…


I’m equally pissed of by the authoritarian left as I am with the alternative right and if you don’t like it, go over to AVfM to cry about it with Elam and Esmay. I’m just not allowed to speak the truth because despite what liberals say, faggots can be bigots too. And if you think Judgy Bitch is selling “men’s right’s” I’ve got some land in Alaska I’d like to sell ya. Now please stay the fuck away from me in real life….