
…did you notice how many things are getting worse (or at best not significantly improving) yet costs are going up…

…for those who use rideshare, they now complain about high prices and long wait times, drivers complain that it just isn’t worth it anymore (if it ever was…)

….what companies like boober and crapazon did was they created monopoly like conditions where marks, er, consumers thought they were the only game in town. Once they dominated, they started tightening the screws. Many competitors left the game and it wasn’t so easy too leave their platforms.

…I suppose the way too fight these @$$holes is to use a trial, cancel before being charged, use a throw away card, fight fraudulent charges, purchase in bulk when discounts are given and use the freemium version where applicable….


…First things first, I am no fan of Andy Huberman. I think podcasters who hock supplements are shady as f#ck. Second, it is my belief that someone who is willing to go through great lengths to be deceptive in one area of their life will likely do so in other areas.

Do I take the “hit piece” at face value? It is certainly possible there may be developments. But consider this, due to libel laws it is unlikely that something filled with untruth after untruth would be published by a major outlet. I suspect Andy will rebrand himself as a dark enlightenment guy and wind up saying, “Yup I did it and so would you if you thought you could pull it off.”

Just think of this though. He still has his Youtube channel and so far as I know is still employed by a major university. After all, tenured professors have more worker protections than “us little people.” And since his Youtube vids make more money with more views, what is the ole saying? “The only bad press is no press.” I am no lawyer, but I doubt there will be any legal ramifications for what he is accused of. Really the only downside I see for him longterm is he will lose access to peeps like the Fuc, err, Zuckerbergs. Their PR team won’t let them within a 200 ft pole of him with the press. But still, I don’t think he is going broke any time soon…

…an important message for readers of this blog…

…okay, I realize I have ben “uppity” for lack of a better term. When insightful commentors like Clarence in Baltimore pounced on me for disagreeing with “human biodiversity” it was because I was unable to see past my own self interest. I owe this paragon of virtue, Clarence a sincere apology. As a full blooded white man, he carries a burden I cannot imagine. I was uppity and disrespectful even when his arguments didn’t make sense. Sometimes someone who is more privileged has less ability too be able to communicate what they can clearly see and it is my place to be obsequious and not make waves. I should have learnt my lesson. But my uppity ass made the same mistake a few years later when Tamerlane, Male Sentient Void, Kirea and Trevor Cormier brigaded my blog. Instead of deferring too my betters, I put up a fight. I challenged them at every corner. True, they may not be able to run their own lives, much less a “pro male movement” but I should have fallen in line and done the grunt work that was beneath them so that they could focus on strategy and 4D chess. If that interferred with my own life, so be it. Maybe this blog was essentially a personal journal but it became so much more when they focussed their attention on me. They saw in me the potential to be a servant, unpaid of course whilst they focussed on the bigger picture. I burnt up their good will and I guess all the bad things that happened to them are my fault for not falling in line. Alphas like Tamerlane never need to take personal responsibility. That is just for beta chumpos like me. If I can’t clean up a mess, how can great men build society! I promise too stop being uppity!!!!




April Fools Motherfuckers!!!!

Kick Out the Jams!

…why AI won’t (yet) take over the world…

…okay, so I’ve worked a bunch of crappy jobs over the years from boiler room “sales” jobs to a 3rd party delivery driver for the largest company in the world…

…in “sales” roles, the sales “manager” would “buy a list” and tell us to “get ‘er done” while not having made a cold call themselves in 15 years, if ever…

….the “lists” would be awful. In fact one of my running jokes was the mofo’s who sold the lists were worse criminals than the mafia. If you bought bootleg liquor from the mafia, you might go blind but it would get you f’d up…

…so where did this leave me? I spent a large portion of my day searching for contacts on websites and scrubbing bad data. I was called a “slacker” because I would throw on headphones to listen to music while I did the unglamourous labor of finding good contact info…

…as a delivery driver I used an app that was more broken than accurate. I often thought that the app was just collecting data so the robots could take over. My job was considered “unskilled” and something “any idiot could do.” IDK, the turnover rate was something like 200%. That is to say you were a greybeard vet if you lasted 6 months (or maybe just desparate and unemployable elsewhere…)

…there’s a lot of “micro decisions” to be made in a delivery. Is the package safely out of sight? There are porch pirates that follow vans and grab and go but a driver was making a guess whether the package was visible from the street. The more ghetto the area, the more due dilligence was needed. If enough packages got lifted, the driver would get in trouble…

…so can AI do the sh!t work jobs I’ve thrown away years of my life doing? I think that if AI was to make sales calls, it would be highly ineffective as most of the time would be them calling “bad numbers” and pitching the work people in an organization. Many sales “managers” have no clue on the pitfalls I would encounter daily or the time it took to “fix the list.” And onto delivery, funny how an engamaneer who never delivered a package in their life can design an app that makes things more difficult rather than less. I suppose AI could be baby sat by workers who would use that to build lists and then call but AI can’t just replace those workers.

I predict we will see a few huge disasters in the next few years. Perhaps on the scale of the Exxon Valdez….


…ever notice how all these podcaster types are hard selling “supplements” and “vitamins…”

….seems kinda scammy too me…

…….why buy that shady stuff???

……….do you think Joe da Broe or that shady Huberman guy care about you?

……….they are selling snake oils…

Eat good and get your ass outdoors, you don’t need to make these a$$holes richer than they already are….